

“This course stretched me to be a better human and to see the humanity of all people I interact with every day. I listen differently. I speak differently. The Calling In framework turns conversations that feel impossible into opportunities for connection and growth. It provided me with an empathic path forward through a deeply polarized society.” — Tamara Gropper, participant of Calling In: Creating Change Without Cancel Culture

“This course allows you to revisit the fundamentals of what it means to be human, in all its complexity, and use accessible tools in a variety of settings both in the personal and the professional.” —participant of Calling In: Creating Change Without Cancel Culture

By making her work, self, and team available for a nominal fee, she demonstrates her commitment to public service and helping heal what ails our country the most.” — Jennifer Bleiker Murphy, participant of Calling In: Creating Change Without Cancel Culture

“Was relieved that the class dropped all the buzzwords and slogans that seem to be a prerequisite to starting any conversation these days, and instead focused on a better way to communicate with, well... everybody. You may not get the answer you wanted, but you won't have made an enemy either.” — Sue Gould, participant of Calling In: Creating Change Without Cancel Culture

“Through her practical Calling-In workshop, Professor Ross is inviting us to heal our divisions and discover where we can connect with people very different from ourselves. She lifts the corrosive cultural habit we have of shaming ourselves and others so we can open ourselves to being changed by and changing one another for our common good. participant of Calling In: Creating Change Without Cancel Culture

“The classes with Loretta and her team not only illuminate the world situation, they empower the individual to engage in all their life and work with skills that are rooted in human dignity, an understanding of our interconnectedness as complex humans, and to find ways to live true to the integrity in how they speaks up, lessening bystander guilt, opening to new possibilities for creating the more kind and just world I want for myself and others.” —participant of Calling In: Creating Change Without Cancel Culture

“I so appreciate that Loretta brings her full self to her teachings: not just the theoretical framework but her own life experiences as well. She is a powerful model of someone who is passionate about social justice, rather than compartmentalizing it as a side project. She understands and convey how essential and transformative this work is.”
—Vicki B., participant of Calling In the Calling Out Culture online course

“This is a course on remembering how to be fully, powerfully and beautifully HUMAN. I am profoundly grateful for the way Loretta leads this discussion. For the first time ever, I feel confidently armed with the tools and confidence I need to engage more sincerely (and effectively!) with myself and others." - Sarah Y., participant of Calling In the Calling Out Culture online course


“Loretta gave me some incredible skills and tools to use when calling people in, on and out. I came out of the class feeling way more equipped to bring conversations forward in my community while still being a work in progress myself.”—Lucy K., participant of Calling In the Calling Out Culture online course

“During the in-class discussion with Ross, I asked the question of how the feminist movement could better serve African-American women. Upon asking the question, she asked me to examine the way I structured my question because in the way that I had stated it, there was an assumption that African-American women are not a part of the movement and that they needed saving by white women. While this was not my intention in creating the question, I was glad that Ross asked me to rethink the question.”

“This talk addressed a point that I have struggled with in my own life. I have always wondered how I can support and be involved in movements that I do not have personal experience with. I have always been afraid that it will seem as if I am using my white privilege to try and take over someone else’s narrative. Ross’ poignant acknowledgement of this issue helped me in my thinking: I can support a movement and issues that do not necessarily affect my life personally, but I cannot appropriate someone else’s struggle. I can avoid this by listening, learning and letting other’s narrative and goals inform my actions within the movement. An example would simply be asking how I can be beneficial without assuming that I know the answer or the best way to further the (feminist/reproductive justice) movement.”

“There is always going to be oppression, the question is: will we let it energize and fuel us or exhaust us?” was something said during Loretta Ross’ speech that stuck with me. Fighting against all the hate and discrimination so many of us face on a daily basis can get extremely exhausting, and this has been a common statement from all of our speakers thus far. Yet they all have had the same advice; it is exhausting and you must take care of yourself, but you have to keep fighting, because if you don’t then who will?”

“I’m a Somatic Psychotherapist in Chicago and read the article in the New York Times about your calling people in. I so appreciate your perspective. It is so necessary if we’re going to ever find healing for our society – if we’re ever going to be able to come together. Otherwise we are just perpetuating trauma reactions and creating unsafe spaces – even where the premise of changing things for the better exists.”

“Loretta Ross’ statement, ‘When we ask people to give up hate, we have to be there for them when we do,’ really resonated with me. She discussed her experience deprogramming Klan members and how she developed the skill-set to have conversations with people she does not agree with. I have found that in my generation, the way people try to resolve an argument is by fighting fire with fire. That quote helped me realize that in order for there to be any significant change in the way that people treat others, I must offer support instead of blatantly disregarding the conflict.”

“Loretta brings a depth of knowledge, wisdom, and experience to her teaching. She is real and shows up fully as herself, which empowers everyone else to do the same. Solidarity groups offer a space for exploration and integration. I would highly recommend this class!” —Cory L., participant of the Calling In the Calling Out Class