From Jury Nullification to Election Subversion: The White Supremacist Agenda - Dred Feminist Rant #17:
Given that justice is never colorblind in America, white defendants accused of crimes against people resisting white supremacy--especially Black people--have often been acquitted by all-white juries, especially in the South, even in the face of irrefutable evidence. We witnessed this when Klansmen and Nazis murdered five anti-Klan protestors in Greensboro, NC in 1979. All-white juries twice acquitted them despite widely-shared videotapes of the murders. Rodney King faced the same fate when an all-white jury in Simi Valley told the country not to believe our lying eyes after we saw the videotape of his brutal beating by cops in 1992.
This is called jury nullification and it makes achieving justice nearly impossible under this rigged system. This recent rare triple guilty verdict in the George Floyd murder is the exception, not the rule, as anyone knows who seriously pays attention to the rarity with which white people who kill Black people are held accountable.
Now, white supremacist elected officials are demanding election nullification through more than 300 anti-voting bills, rapidly passing not only voter suppression laws to prevent people from casting their votes, but also appointing state-level Republican officials who will have the power to overturn election outcomes they don’t agree with. This continues the agenda of the white supremacist insurrectionists at the Capitol on January 6 who were not protesting the killing of white men by police. They weren’t even protesting that their votes weren’t counted. They were actually protesting that Black votes were counted and that Black Votes Mattered. Voter nullification by Republicans is the legal companion to illegal violence by the white supremacist movement.
How many more despicable ways will Republicans seek to permanently cling to power as a shrinking, self-destructive minority? What part of democracy is safe from these hypocrites? Probably none.
I expect a serious uptick in violence against Black people in white backlash outrage because violence is the only language that hatred speaks. That’s as predictable as them fighting for citizenship nullification next. Oh I forgot, they are already organizing to repeal the 14th Amendment that grants birthright citizenship. As Lily Tomlin said, “No matter how cynical I become, I can’t keep up.”